Saturday 29 Mar 2025 2pm - pay your subs, enter competitions, buy rollup/match tokens and sign up for the Tea Rota, Gardening Rota, Cleaning Rota.

Photos from Presentation Evening are available in the Gallery.

We have a new Sponsor for 2024/5

Northiam BC won this year's Final Fling tournament. Westfield came 3rd.

Finals day saw some exciting games, held in glorious weather. A fitting climax to the club competitions. Congratulations to all the finalists. The results can be seen on the Competitions menu.

Well done to Westfield for winning the Rother League in 2024. It is fitting that we are hosting the Final Fling this year.

Staplecross were the winners of the new Roy Scollay President's Cup

Congratulations to Pam, Roger and Simon for winning this year's Northiam tournament (by an arithmetic error!).

A very successful day, won by Fairlight, narrowly beating Pett. Lots of hard work to organise and run, but earned over £500 for the club.

24 Players and plenty of spectators enjoyed a pleasant afternoon and a substantial 'high tea', whilst competing for the inaugural Mike Costello Memorial Trophy. The event raised an impressive £284 for the British Heart Foundation. Thanks to Ted and Jenny for all their hard work. (Photos in the Gallery under Social)
Help required 10 Jul 09:30 - bring a fork and a container.

After a very wet start the tournament was won, by one point, by Sue Hanlon & Colin Slattery

You can now pay your match fees (and rollup fees) using tokens, rather than cash.
Green Match tokens cost £2.50. Yellow Rollup tokens cost £2.
You buy as many tokens at a time as you wish, and pay by cash, cheque or bank transfer.
Tokens are available from Pam or Phil Brown.
SATURDAY 20 APRIL Lots of jobs, indoors and out, to get the club ready for the new season.
The chance for members to renew their membership for 2024 and enter club competitions.
Saturday 9th March from 10am - work party at Bowls Club.
Lots of jobs to be done on and off the green.

Coming soon for 2024!